Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 13th - more of Lake Diversion

Sergio with Jackson
Kevin & Jackson - all three of the Chen cousins looked out for Jackson

Kevin skiing!
The boys & I

Katelynn skiing! All the kids tried and did really well. Nathan had a high fever and planned to try the next day, but didn't get the opportunity.

Katelynn skiing!

Denise with Jackson
Cole on skiis
Caleb on skiis
Connor on skiis

Collin on skiis
Bryce was out!
Krista's been 2 years!

Sandia skiing like a pro

Sandia & Sergio smoochin'

Awww...Rob & Kiki

Tim & Rob
Tim & Rob

Peter & Tim making water balloons
Ila surrounded by her favorite foods mmm...rice krispie treats!
Bombs away!

Ila's still eating...

Bopppy, Collin, Sandia & Daniel
Mighty Connor
Sawyer tries a teething biscuit for the first time
Ila covered in dirt, maybe a little food, grass, and other misc. items
Tim & Daniel?

Jackson was on a mission to take this cooler to the lake
Our princess
Jackson loved riding on the boat!
Slumber party in the tent

Sergio laying with Collin


Kirsten Oliphant said...

I'm so jealous! I haven't had time to get mine up on our photo blog yet. Sigh. Maybe I should just try keeping up with ONE blog instead of two blogs, facebook, etc etc. :)

Krista said...

I don't know how you keep up with two...but love them both!